Chiropractic Care in Bakersfield, California

Dr. James Garrett

We Help People!
California Chiropractic is a local Bakersfield chiropractic clinic that specializes in helping you find non-surgical and drug-free solutions to your health problems.
About Our Bakersfield Chiropractor:
Our Bakersfield chiropractor, Dr. Keith Sparks is a licensed and board-certified Chiropractor in California and has been for 20+ years. Dr. Sparks completed his education at Parker Chiropractic College in Dallas, TX in January 1995. He earned his license to practice in California shortly thereafter upon passing the California board examination.
Dr. Sparks worked for several very large chiropractic clinics in Northern California before starting out on his own in Kern County in 1999. In that time, he has had the opportunity to work with patients with a wide variety of conditions and we have witnessed amazing results.
Our Bakersfield chiropractor sees patients with: